Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kasey's Room

Two whole people requested that I post pictures of Kasey's room! Wow! Someone does read this blog! I was about to give up. :) But then I realized, (1) Aunt Heather needs to see pictures of Kasey, and (2) Our blog acts as a family journal. This blog IS important! So, here are a few pictures of Kasey's newly decorated room. Now, this may not look like anything too fancy, but coming from a non-crafty girl, I feel quite proud!

It all started when my mother-in-law so kindly made Kasey a shelf for his room (see below). Then, my awesome husband made this bookshelf. Kris designed it and we painted it a bright white and ta-da, you see the effect below. Thanks to Grandmas, Kasey has tons of books! (Sidenote: See the little brown rocking chair? My lil' brother made that for Kasey for his first Christmas! Kasey loves it!)
One thing led to the next (as is always the case when you start decorating), and pretty soon I realized that I needed something to put on the shelf! So, I went to Michael's and found some wooden cars/trucks (only a dollar a piece!) and I painted them.
Then, Susanne (my wonderful mother-in-law) let me go to craft class in her place. Kasey's name was the result.
And, of course, I found this plane and truck at Michael's (only two dollars a piece!), and I painted them, too.
Kasey helped. :)
Well, craft class came around again, and there was another opening. I came home with all sorts of treasures!
First, this sign: our creative invention. I had the idea for the sign with the boat and airplane, but then I found this little train on sale at Robert's, and Susanne had the idea to let it hang from the sign! We were so proud of ourselves! Like I said, I'm not the crafty type.
Then, Susanne said we had to have a magnet board. And, lucky us, Robert's had little wooden animals on sale for 40-70 cents each! We super-glued magnets to the back of each animal, and created not only a piece of fine decor but an enjoyable play center for Kasey!
Alas, after all our creativity, this side of the room is a bit lacking. However, I do have plans for the rather dull looking toy box. Eventually I'd like to paint it white and then glue on colorful wooden letters that say "Toy Chest." (Although, check out that rocking chair - it came from a consignment shop, and when we first brought it home it looked like it had been through fire! Nothing that a good-sanding and paint job couldn't fix! I am realizing, though, all of the furniture in Kasey's room is second-hand! Poor kid! Poor parents is more like it - haha!)
I had so much fun decorating Kasey's room! It was so fulfilling, and luckily enough, we were able to do it super cheap (well, with the help of my mother-in-law, of course!).

Kasey loves his new room. And, to our surprise and horror (and secret delight), Kasey learned rather quickly how to climb up his bookshelf. Here's Kasey, feeling so proud of his accomplishments.
We had thought that Kasey wouldn't be able to climb this new bookshelf. We forgot to take into consideration the fact that his little rocking chair acts as a step stool. I guess we'll have to find a new place for the rocking chair!
Hmmm! Which book should I read next! (I'm sorry. I'm sure this picture isn't completely blog appropriate, but funny just the same. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Christmas, Anniversary, and More!

If that title doesn't capture your attention, I don't know what will. Sarcasm. :) Really, I should start labeling my blog entries by season instead of by month. It's been awhile, but at least you know we are still here! Before I dive right into the pictures, here's a brief update: Kris is on his last semester of grad school! Hurray! The job search has begun. Tiffany is still at home and loving being a mom. Her most recent project has been decorating Kasey's room! (Julie, you'd be so proud - it's themed and everything!) Kasey is busy, busy, busy! He is learning so many words and talking like a champ. Some of his most recent words are "Molly" "berries" "dishes" "pooh bear" "cookie" and "attic" (He loves our attic!). Congrats Kasey - you've moved from one syllable words to two! Your future looks promising. :) Oh, and as always, he LOVES his grandpas. "Papa, papa!" is all we here from the backseat whenever we are going to visit grandpa.

Here are a few of our adventures in pictures:

Our 5th year anniversary was in December. As we all know, December is a crazy time, so we chose January to celebrate. We dropped Kasey off at his cousins' house, and we headed off for a winter adventure! We decided to try snow-shoeing for the first time. We picked a trail in Ogden canyon, and we were off!
We had the best time. Snow-shoeing is much like hiking, and we love being outdoors! Part of the trail was precariously close to the river, as pictured below. It's thrilling when you know you could slip into icy waters at any wrong step! The scenery was majestic as well.

We stayed the night in a charming little cabin at the Alaskan Inn. We got a group-on deal that we just couldn't pass up! The place had the perfect ambiance - soothing music played as we entered, chilled sparkling cider awaited, and the Alaskan decor combined to give the place a cozy, romantic feel.
We had the best time on a much-needed get-away!
A few other random pics (sorry, these are so not in order). Lately, Kasey loves to lay down next to Molly and snuggle up! Molly will put her paw on Kasey like she's hugging him. :)
"Please can we go outside now?"
When I went to check on Kasey during a nap, I found this. If you look closely, you can see Kasey's hand under the the pad (he's in his pack n' play at Grandma's, so no mattress, just a pad).
I laughed and laughed! Somehow he had wiggled himself under the pad and gone to sleep! I lifted up the pad and found him - zonked!
Kasey wearing Molly's leash. He must be ready for a walk! Another time Kasey grabbed Molly's leash and started walking her around the house. The funny thing is, Molly followed! (Sorry - sidewise - I'm really bad at this blog thing!)
Yeah for balls in playpens! A kid's dream.
Okay - here we are to Christmas. Kasey and dad, testing out Kasey's first remote control.
Kasey's new PJ's (See the little bear on his bum? Below are the words, "Bear Bottom.")
Dad modeling Kasey's new PJ's.
Kasey and dad in twiner Christmas attire.
When we visited my family, we decided to go skiing/snowboarding together. Poor Kasey had an earache, so Grandma opted to tend at the lodge. Here they are napping together!
At Tiffany's house - everyone showing off our brother/sister gifts! See my sweet new shoes from my brother Jake? He's awesome! I sure miss him. He left for his mission right after Christmas. He is currently in the MTC, but soon he'll be leaving for Budapest, Hungary. He is working so hard and doing so well! His faith and testimony uplift us in every letter! We love you Jake!
Back to the skiing trip (sorry, out of order): Kasey having a good time with Uncle Javan!
Playing in the snow with dad.
Wow, these really are out of order! Back to ski trip. :) Kasey, don't get too comfortable in those ski boots! Mom and dad are snowboarders!
With Grandpa Ted, sitting on the old tractor. (I'm not kidding when I say old - this belonged to my Grandpa Payne! We used to go on rides when we were kids.)
Kasey loves to hide behind the Christmas tree.
What better present than a popsicle.
With Grandpa Randy on Christmas.
Kasey loved opening the presents more than the presents themselves. After he opened a present, he hardly paused to check out his new toy; he was on to the next present to unwrap. We had such a wonderful Christmas holiday with both families. Thank you everyone for spoiling us and our son!