Monday, September 10, 2012

Kasey and Shelby

Here’s a bunch of pictures of the kids.  It was so hard to choose because we’ve been taken a gazillion pictures, of course. And for some reason, pictures are just that much sweeter when both kids are together.

Shelby cuddled up with Papa Payne

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Kasey taking care of his lil’ sis

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We took a fun trip down to Hurricane.  While there, we hiked beautiful Zion’s.  Kasey rode in our new fancy, smancy hiking backpack on Kris’ back.  I carried Shelby in the front pack.

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Shelby with Grandma Nommy.


Shelby taking a dip, and Kris with Kasey on a big rock.


Shelby with Aunt Jenny.


I thought this picture was so funny – Jenny and my mom are smiling at each other happy as can be, and, if you look closely, Shelby’s mouth is puckering up, just about to wail. :)


I can never get enough sleeping baby pictures.


Big brother lovin’ little Shelby.




As you will soon notice from the pictures, Shelby’s hair has two styles: (1) flat and greasy or (2) clean and wild . Kris decided to give Shelby’s hair a combover during it’s greasy stage.



DSC01652 bathtime!

The clean and wild hair stage


Dad snuggling Shelby

DSC01693 I just wanna snuggle her!

A proud mommy moment –look at that round face!  She’s getting some good milk! :)


Kris and Kasey making mad faces

DSC01746 nice grins

Shelby’s hair goes curly when wet

DSC01772DSC01776DSC01778 so little feetDSC01782DSC01797 nice hair!

You’ve got some wild hair, girl!


Going on our daily walk, Kasey with his Angry Birds shirt


Pool-time with dad!

DSC01832 shelby's first swim!DSC01840

With my two kids – luckiest mom ever!

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New jogging stroller/bike trailer from Kris and my parents. What an awesome Mother’s Day gift!  Kasey with dad’s work bandanna on.

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Kris and Kasey playing in the mud! Mom said Kasey could, hence the “I love mom” written in mud on Kasey’s chest. :)

DSC01750 playtime

We’ve been having a great summer – Lake Powell trip, Bees games, Days of ‘47 parade, visits to Liberty Park, and filling up the pool in the backyard.

More pictures to come…